Erosion Control is a service that is required on all projects that involve land disturbing activities. In North Carolina, the Sediment Pollution Control Act of 1973 established laws concerning erosion control requirements within the state. The government agency regulating and enforcing erosion control measures can vary. In many areas local cities and county governments have inner departments that provide regulatory services. For public projects and areas that local government does not provide this service, the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources typically will, with exception to projects performed by the North Carolina Department of Transportation.
Erosion control services are often referred to as BMP's, which stands for best management practices. Our firm maintains staff members that are knowledgeable in the various types of erosion control measures and are certified by various agencies such as the NCDOT (North Carolina Department of Transportation). Some of the erosion control services our company provides include installation of sediment basins, skimmer basins, silt fence, inlet protection, lined ditches, mud mats, check dams, hydro seeding, mulching, and erosion control blankets.