This project was constructed at the Swain County Hospital, which is owned and operated by Westcare Health Systems (currently MedWest). Our firm served as a subcontractor to Rentenbach Constructors, Inc, who served as the general contractor. The project consisted of relocating an existing NCDOT roadway and performing site improvements for a 10,000 square foot addition to the existing hospital. The existing hospital remained open throughout construction, which required close interaction with the owner. The following is a list of some of the services our firm performed: Excavation (8,300 CY), 900 LF of storm drain pipe, 14 drainage structures, 620 LF of 8" sanitary sewer, 7 sanitary sewer manholes, 1,000 LF of 6" waterline, 2,200 SF of MSE retaining walls, 1,300 LF of 18" curb & gutter, 1,310 LF of 30" curb & gutter, 565 SY of concrete sidewalk, and 6,000 SY of asphalt paving. |