Macon County
Franklin, NC
W.K. Dickson
May, 2011

This project was located in Franklin, NC and was an extension to the current runway and taxiway. The project had several hurdles during the design phase which included stream and wetland mitigation as well as areas of archaeological interest located within the site of the proposed extensions. BSI self-performed the majority of the services required, with exception of the electrical system, pavement markings, and asphalt placement. Major items included within the construction where 3,600 LF of silt fence, 4 temporary sediment basins, 1,022 LF of water quality swales, 1,900 tons of rip rap placement, 6,000 CY of cut-fill excavation, 92,000 CY of import fill, 820 LF of 36" HDPE underground detention pipe, 680 LF of 48" HDPE underground detention pipe, 260 LF of 60" reinforced concrete pipe, 572 LF of 72" reinforced concrete pipe, 8,000 tons of compacted aggregate base, 2,900 tons of asphalt, and runway / taxiway extension lighting system.