Town of Canton
Canton, NC
McGill Associates, PA
August, 2011

This project was funded through FEMA and its primary goal was to reduce flooding in the Town of Canton. Canton was hard hit in 2004 when significant flooding occurred after the remnants of hurricane Frances and Ivan passed through. BSI was awarded the project in 2010, and began construction in June. The project consisted primarily of the installation of 54" reinforced concrete pipe at varying depths, all within public streets and right-of-ways. Many utility conflicts occurred throughout the life of the project, which led to redesign efforts at varying stages. BSI self-performed the majority of the services required, with exception of pavement markings and asphalt placement. Major items included within the construction were 708 LF of 54" aluminum pipe, 1,762 LF of 54" reinforced concrete pipe, 420 LF of 36" aluminized metal pipe, 2,964 SY of NCDOT asphalt roadway repair, and 4,655 SY of asphalt milling and overlay.